2019 perfonmance in the team54project 🌴

Before becoming a memeber of this great organization Team54Project .

I had know idea of the impact of climate change in our area and  the environment and I sincerely was not aware of the future dangers of climate change if we don't take action but through my association with Team54project and our founder Dr. Gbujie  now i know better and understand my ecological obligation as he would always tell us to mother nature. I gladly want to protect the environment and be part of the growing movement to address the climate crisis and bring it under control 🌳especially in Somaliland.

#its a time for nations and international organizations to join forces together to collectively take action on climate change

#Here are My 2019 performance in the team54 project Somaliland  💚💭❤ chapter.

#the real power belongs to the people who understand the season and take steps to make sincere progress toward the sustainable development goals

As for us in #Somaliland we are ready to work with you and organizations to make our land Green Again and to continue to raise awareness.

Our team is ready for the green change 🌳🌳
    #climatecrisis isreal



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